
Providing full CDT treatment for lymphoedema. This consists of a an intense phase of MLD, Multi layred bandaging, skincare education and exercise assessment. When optimal reduction is reached the limb/s are then fitted with made to measure Medial Compression Garment/s. On going maintenance treatment including MLD and bandaging. While MLD and compression are at the Core of the treatment I also use laser treatment , Kinesiotaping and other tools to assist with the treatment. see Laser Treatment

Lymphoedema is a chronic and progressive swelling condition that occurs as a result of lymphatic system dysfunction. The lymphatic system’s main function is to remove excess fluid and waste products from the body, but when it fails to do so, lymphatic fluid builds up in the tissues and causes lymphoedema. The condition can be divided into primary and secondary lymphoedema, depending on the underlying cause.

Primary lymphoedema is a rare inherited condition that occurs when there is congenital abnormality or deficiency in the lymphatic system. Patients with primary lymphoedema have a genetic predisposition to developing the condition, often caused by a mutation in genes responsible for lymphatic development. Primary lymphoedema can present itself in infancy, childhood, or later in life, and can affect any part of the body.

Secondary lymphoedema, on the other hand, occurs when the lymphatic system is damaged, often as a result of trauma, surgery, infection, or radiation therapy. The damage can disrupt the normal flow of lymphatic fluid, resulting in lymphoedema. Some of the common causes of secondary lymphoedema include cancer treatment, injury, infection, or inflammation. In rare cases, lymphoedema can occur as a complication of other medical conditions, such as heart failure, venous insufficiency, or liver disease.

Secondary lymphoedema is the most common type of lymphoedema and affects millions of people worldwide. Cancer treatment is one of the most common causes of secondary lymphoedema, with up to 50% of breast cancer survivors experiencing lymphoedema in their upper limbs. Radiation therapy and lymph node removal during cancer surgeries can damage the lymphatic system, causing lymphatic fluid buildup in the affected area.

Lymphoedema can also be classified according to the affected area of the body. For instance, lymphoedema that affects the legs is known as lower limb lymphoedema, while that affecting the arms is known as upper limb lymphoedema. Lymphoedema can also occur in the genital area, known as genital lymphoedema, and in the head and neck area, known as head and neck lymphoedema.

The severity of lymphoedema can vary from mild to severe, and symptoms can worsen over time if left untreated. Some of the common signs and symptoms of lymphoedema include swelling of the affected area, a feeling of heaviness or tightness, skin changes, such as thickening or hardening, impaired mobility, and increased risk of infection.

Treatment for lymphoedema focuses on managing symptoms and improving lymphatic flow. Conservative treatments for lymphoedema include manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), compression therapy, exercise, and skin care. MLD is a specialized massage technique that can mobilize lymphatic fluid and encourage its flow. Compression therapy involves wearing compression garments or wraps that provide gentle pressure to the affected area, reducing swelling and promoting lymphatic flow.

In some cases, surgery may be required to treat lymphoedema, particularly for those who do not respond to conservative treatments. Surgical options include liposuction, lymph node transfer, and lymphovenous bypass.

In conclusion, lymphoedema is a chronic swelling condition caused by lymphatic system dysfunction. It can be classified into primary and secondary lymphoedema, depending on the underlying cause. Secondary lymphoedema is the most common type and can be caused by cancer treatment, injury, infection, or inflammation. The condition can be managed using a combination of treatments, including MLD, compression therapy, exercise, and skin care. In severe cases, surgery may be required to improve lymphatic flow and reduce swelling.