Full Combined Decongestive Therapy including MLD, Bandaging, Skincare and Exercise. Fitting with MTM Garment and ongoing maintenance Treatment with additional tools such as kinesio taping and Laser Treatment.

Consultation and Treatment with MLD and Laser. Assessment and referral for Surgery available, Pre Op/Post Op Care with Garment provision and ongoing maintenance.

Post Surgery
Full Post Surgery Care Package available for those undergoing elective and cosmetic Surgery or procedure. Vodder Method MLD, Laser Therapy and Kinesiotaping combined for Optimal results.

Other Conditions
Vodder Method MLD can be used to treat a range of Diseases and Disorders including Sinusitis, Autoimmune diseases and Neurological Conditions. Contact us for further information.

Laser Therapy
Using Low Level also known as Cold Laser to enhance treatment Programmes for many of the treatments we provide.
laser Therapy for Lymphoedema
News coverage. A short piece covering effectiveness of Laser treatment for Lymphoedema
Vodder Specialist
Vodder method MLD, Manual Lymphatic Drainage is the original drainage method developed by Dr. Vodder It is a Highly skilled Method which includes opening the Lymph Collectors beneath the skin to increase Lymphatic flow.

MLD or Manual Lymphatic Drainage is NOT Lymphatic Massage. It is a Highly skilled Method which includes opening the Lymph Collectors beneath the skin to increase Lymphatic flow.
Interesting videos to help you understand this important and greatly overlooked system and it’s role in fluid balance, Immune System, Fat metabolism amongst others.
In recent years discovery of Glymphathics, the lymph system of the Brain has greatly informed underlying causes of neurological disease.